
Programming languages, Web technologies & frameworks

Python C++ JS NodeJS Flask Nginx Nginx OpenCV Tensorflow

Deployment, Cloud and Version Control

Docker Google Cloud Platform Firebase AWS Git

Databases & Big data

MySQL Apache MongoDB MySQL Apache

Problem Solving

LeetCode || GeeksforGeeks || HackerRank


Route planner - Shortest distance simulation

Determine shortest path between two points on the map using A* search algorithm.

Pathfinding Visualizer

Visualization of some pathfinding algorithms: Dijkstra’s Algorithm (weighted), A* Search (weighted) and Bread-First Search (unweighted).

Advanced House Price Prediction

Exploratory data analysis on real estate data collected from the web with Scraping and automation utilities written in Python.

OpenWorld Game

Win32 adventure game programmed only in C. Open World game with simplified mechanics and short main story.

NFT WebApp

Web3 frontend WebApp. Deployment on the Ethereum Goerli Network. Minting of custom NFT (ERC 721 token) generated with a JSX script.

Full Stack WebApp

Complete Online Shop WebApp with deployment on Firebase, Double Authentification, Admin panel and more !

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